Meet ShopBox - our innovative autonomous shops.

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Why Shopbox?

Stuff we are proud of:

Seamless experience

You only need a phone with our app.

Quick shopping

No more queues. Just take products you want and leave the shop.


Our shops come in a compact form of a container. You can move it wherever you want. We can also install the technology in a regular shop.

Use ShopBox app
and manage all your autonomous shops
any time any place.

You will get access to all of your customers shopping sessions data. It includes live session data.

All data is secured and compilant with GDPR.

Understand your customer behaviour by using video recordings and statistics.

No coffee breaks - our shops work 24/7

about us

Your customers will appreciate the seamless experience

Enter the shop by using the QR code generated in the mobile app. No need for checkout - just leave the store!


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